The Climate Ventures 2.0 Investor Showcase

By GoodCompany Ventures (other events)

Tuesday, September 19 2017 9:00 AM 8:00 PM EST

GoodCompany Ventures and Investors' Circle are pleased to present the Climate Ventures 2.0 Investor's Showcase event, featuring 10 early stage companies that are leading the way in Climate Adaptation Innovation.

This event will celebrate the culmination of a project that began in 2014 when the Obama Adminitration launched the Climate Data Initiative, a call-to-action among the private sector for data and technology resources that can advance the resilience of transportation, public health, coastal systems, and clean energy, among others. With commitments from Fortune 50 companies, leading NGOs, and all Government agencies, the Initiative held great promise. Climate Ventures 2.0 was designed as a way to leverage those resources via entrepreneurs who's predictive analytics, Internet of Things, and Drone technologies could make use of them in a meaningful way to enhance the resilience of Ag and Water systems via the lens of Watershed Protection.

With this impetus, and the generous support of the William Penn Foundation, we set out to find the most promising early stage innovators in this space.  Our sourcing campaign for our first cohort mobilized 2,500 participants from 61 countries for the 10 spots.

The first cohort includes best-of-breed innovations in IOT monitoring, drone imaging, predictive modeling and physical and chemical assessment technologies, bringing startups to Philadelphia from the UK, Brazil, China, Canada and across the US. 

Over the course of the last ten weeks, we have worked intensively with them to refine their opportunity evaluation, market approach and capitalization strategy so they can deliver their innovations at scale.  We have connected them with Industry Advisors from the EPA, USAID, Comcast, Campbells Soup, General Mills and others, and Capital Coaches from leading Impact Advising firms nationwide, leveraging the public and private sectors to support innovation in new, unproven markets.  We think this kind of work is critical for climate adaptation.  

On Sept. 19th, the country's most active impact investors and worlds best social entrepreneurs working on climate adaptation innovation will come together. 

The event's itinerary will include two panels, one on Climate Adaptation Innovation, the other on Impact Investing, and pitches from the ten companies we've been working with via Climate Ventures 2.0.  

We expect this to be a full day event. The agenda is as follows:

 9:00 - 11:00am:   Investor Education
11:00 - 12:00pm:  Impact Investing Panel
12:00 -  1:00pm:   LUNCH
 1:00 -   2:30pm: 10 Startup Pitches
 2:30 -   4:00pm:  Private Deal Debrief & Simultaneous Climate Adaptation Panel
 4:00 -   5:00pm:  Keynote Address & Closing Remarks
 5:45 -   8:00pm:  Evening Reception

Speakers will include representatives from organizations such as USAID, the EPA, Closed Loop Capital, IBM, Wharton, Investors Circle, and Smart Cities Philadelphia, among others.